People with Disabilities

We are committed to creating an environment that enables all employees to achieve their best, regardless of circumstance. This belief underpins how we work with employees with disabilities, ensuring they’re given a platform from which to reach their full potential and become the boundary-pushing innovators of the future.

People with Disabilities

  • 01 December 2022
  • 121
  • 5

Improve your company’s bottom line: Yet, people with disabilities, including veterans with service-connected disabilities, have lower rates of employment than the general population. This is true despite people with disabilities often exemplifying the qualities employers seek, including adaptability and resourcefulness. What’s more, disability is diversity, and therefore a key component of workplace diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility.

People with disabilities have been solving problems their whole life and tend to bring a strong sense of loyalty to the workplace. Many large corporations, such as CVS and Microsoft, have told their stories about the benefits of hiring people with disabilities to prove it has improved their overall bottom line. Leaders from Microsoft and Merck have said they focus on hiring a workforce that reflects their consumer base, which includes people with disabilities.

Creating a space for this dialogue is crucial to facilitating the kind of open collaboration that is required for employees with disabilities to thrive.

Enabling successful careers for people with disabilities

At Sumoud, we recognise people for their talents.
This belief underpins how we work with employees with disabilities, enabling all individuals to perform to their full potential.

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